torsdag den 31. maj 2012

My painting process continues. My next step was a squatted church in Nijmegen, Holland
Doing the proces I named this latest paintin 'Taker'

None of us didnt really know what this woodsoil was for. It didnt look strong enough to hold up the roof or something similar - then one day a guy told us to look under it (with an excitet tone in his voice)
we discovered a ladder behind the woodplates, leading to up under the roof
I think it matches really good with the painting

with the paint I never used, a small sideproject appears slowly

onsdag den 4. april 2012

 What I am doing so far
This is a closet for 'De Bereklauw's new outside kitchen

'De Bereklauw' is a commune a small time away from Bruxelles.
I have stayed here for the last two weeks - my days have been going on with making art and hack in the ground.

I have enjoyed my space in my present outside studio surrounded by plants (while it is normally a gardnery)

Thanks to Kido Sjorre for the photography

Because the weather forecast spoked about rain, we moved the closet under the nearest shelter
it was a bit more tiny, but anyway...

torsdag den 15. marts 2012

My work with

Sciencecaffe is a great initiative, which I do believe is on their way to a bigger succes in the future
it is a volunteer magazine with young people as its journalists

thanks a lot so far.

onsdag den 14. marts 2012

Here is something from my scetchbook so far. Made while I was travelling in Italy. The one on top (whichmeans below this text) was finished when I arrived in France.
More unfinished is underway!

lørdag den 18. februar 2012

Now a brand new design of mine has been turned into a spot on a t-shirt.
I htink its called  mer.. mer.. merchandise 

The last week I have had a lot of things spinning around - the tshirts included
I am staying in a house in the north of Italy, with a view to the alps, helping with house renovation, and except for that I have a lot of projects running, which I will post on the blog - a bit later
Until then, i am happy to show my result of a... nother creature

fredag den 10. februar 2012

It feels so good to be back on another trip. I went to Bern and was there, unexpected, for three - four days, before I moved on to Torino in Italy.  

The beginning of a new comic. to the left is a chair and to the right iunder my hand, a man relaxing.

tirsdag den 24. januar 2012

I have rediscovered my interest in painting:

´Contemporary Art´
I think its an ok title for this. The motive about the slagging wings in a small pool of blood is something I have kept in mind for a long time, but never knew how to get down on paper - what situation would it fit into?
Turn it into an art-installation was just a quick idea but.. I seemed to like it